My Blogs

We are continually growing & evolving

How I react to a situation today isn't the same as I would have reacted last week, last month or last year. Every encounter alters my thoughts, opinions and actions, and so I respond differently. I am not the same person that I was yesterday and that's a good thing.

Writing allows me to sort out my thoughts & make sense of them

It's also therapeutic and expressive... and perhaps a little thought provoking too

Thoughts vs Reality

The mind is amazing. It allows us the ability to have thoughts, to ingest and assess the incoming information and give us choices in how we could respond, and to dream...

The Flow Of Change

I've been a little absent from here but it's not because I haven't had anything to think or write about. It's the exact opposite actually. I've had so many things going on...

Joy From The Little Things

As kids grow up, there seems to be an age when giving out stickers or stamps for doing a great job, stops. I’m sure we all remember getting them in kindergarten...

Acknowledging The Ugly Truth

We've just ticked over into July and a handful of new laws and rules, have come into affect and there's one in particular that I'm really happy about: Coercive control...

It's Not Easy

Being a single parent isn't something that I planned and it's not an easy role to take on. There are days when I'm at the end of my tether and then there are days when...

Motivational Words

More often than not, we need reminders in our lives that we're stronger than we think, we've come farther than it seems, we've overcome more than we remember...

The Right Tools

I recently rediscovered something that I had forgotten that I loved, because over the years it became too cumbersome, time consuming and frustrating...

Regaining Focus

Today, my thoughts are scattered. My mind is everywhere and nowhere all at once. I'm fidgety but not anxious. I have things to do but no focus...

Love Should Be Consistent

I'm a rebel at heart. Tell me that I must do something and it ignites a fire inside me to do the exact opposite. Ask me to do something and I'll consider it...

Small Steps

I must admit that I'm having what feels like a slow start to the new year. I'm enjoying the longer summer days and evenings, despite the weather sometimes being abnormally...

December Already?

It's the time of year when we all stop and take the time to look back on the year that was, and in many cases, wonder where the time went.

I'm Angry

I'm angry. I'm angry at myself for giving. I'm angry at others for always expecting and in some cases demanding. I'm angry at those that take advantage of others...

Everyday Gratitude

Sometimes it's about breaking things down to the simplistic level, so that we can see and appreciate what's right in front of us, and happening to us in the "now".

Family Matters

Family. We all have them and in various "formats". Some are big, some are small. Some are close, some are not. Some are known, whilst others aren't...

Unwelcome Opinions

Since when was it okay to give out backhanded compliments? You know, the ones where you're actually insulting the person by way of your opinion of them...

Don't Tell Me How To Feel

Emotions are very personal. It's an extension of what you feel and it's mixed in with what you're thinking and experiencing. There is no right or wrong.

Trying Situations

Why is it that the trying situations, the ones that test our character, are the ones that really show others (and ourselves) who we really are?

Tomorrow Will Be Okay

And just like that, my work break over the holiday period is over, and the start of my first work week for this year looms before me…

Guided Learning

There's something exhilarating and empowering about being able to do something that you didn't think you could. And in those moments where doubt takes the front seat...

Increased Momentum

We're into the second half of the year and it feels like things have gone from a trickle to a bit of a gush of energy and movement. Activity seems to have picked up...

Just Childlike

Call me completely insane, but I genuinely love and enjoy the school holidays; And I am aware that almost all parents reading this would have just thrown their hands up...

Shake It Off

They say to dance like no-one's watching. But what does that really mean? And why dance? Why not sing? And are you supposed to always do it, or do it just sometimes?

Acknowledging Change

Have you ever looked back and reflected on how you’ve grown and changed? How you approach situations differently? How perhaps, a situation that comes up now...

Making Room

There's something amazingly wonderful about cleaning... really cleaning. Cleaning to the point where you're moving furniture and there's bags of garbage being thrown out.

The Real Strength

I learnt a long time ago that you can never control what other people do but you can control how you react and respond. And there was never any written rule to say...

Are You Listening?

Regardless of what you believe in, the universe (or higher power) has a way of leaving signs and dropping hints, continually answering your questions and adjusting...

Allowing A Non-Programmed Response

No matter how much I've worked on it or how aware of it I am, there's just one programmed response that I can't seem to shake off completely.

It's Going To Be Different

I don't want 2022 to be the same as the years gone past. I want change. I'm ready for it. I want to be okay with things going slowly. I want to savour each moment.

A Shout Out To The New

I want to take a moment to reflect on the last few months - those months when I wasn't writing here, but immersing myself in new experiences and meeting new people.

I Have A Confession

I have a confession to make. It’s about what really happens after you leave a long-term relationship. Specifically, for me, it’s about what happens when you leave a marriage...

Another Year Nearly Gone

As the end of the year draws ever closer, are you sitting there wondering what happened to the year? Or are you celebrating everything that you’ve accomplished?

Behind The Smile

Some days I just want to give up. I want to stop dreaming, stop hoping, stop believing. Some days I’m too exhausted to take the next step towards my dreams...

The Ebb & Flow

I’ve never been one to chase friendships. I understand that they come and go, and whilst I cherish the ones that I do have, I don’t fret over the ones that have naturally ended...

Something's Gotta Give

Where’s the media coverage on the actual impact that all these lockdowns and restrictions have on mental health? I’m not asking this to discount the actual virus...

Honesty and Kindness

What has happened to humanity? I'd say that it seems like we're acting like animals, but even animals act better than this.

Mental Health During Lockdown

I feel like a broken record, talking about the same thing, but mental health during lockdown is something that really needs more attention...

Working Around Roadblocks

So we're back in lockdown again. It started just as the school holidays were about to start and is currently expected to go until the end of this month.

In Between Worlds

I am in between worlds and I don’t like it. I’m not comfortable because I’m neither here nor there, and I can’t seem to get unstuck.

Recognising Your Own Change

I find it quite fascinating how we can recognise change and growth in others, yet we seem to overlook how much we change and grow ourselves.

Beyond Face Value

I raised my children to accept everyone as an individual and to not try to categorise or pigeon-hole anyone.

Peace, Love & Forgiveness

Let’s face it. Some people are extremely hard to forgive and really have a knack for disrupting your sense of peace.

A Perspective On Frustration

Have you ever found yourself questioning where you are? Wondering why things haven’t unfolded the way that you’ve planned, even after you’ve done all the work?

Learning & Growing

For those of you that are new and have just found this website, welcome. I’ve never advertised this website and I’ve been extremely lazy with the metadata and tagging

The Self Care Balance

I have run into an issue with my self-care routine. Let me preface it by saying that my self-care routine is still relatively new in comparison to how I used to be

The Daily Cycle

Okay – it’s time for me to stop and take a few breaths. It doesn’t happen often these days, but this evening, I’m stressed.

There's Two Sides To Everything

Just like there’s darkness for the light, there’s two sides of every situation, and it feels like I’ve been tested to see the lighter side this week.

Simple Gratitude

In a world where we’re always looking for the next thing to do, to have, to experience, to obtain… I’m overcome with gratitude for what I have today, right in this moment.

Life Really Is What You Make It

Birthday season in my family has just kicked off and having my eldest ask me about what was happening around the time of her birth, has made me stop and take a look...

Domestic Violence Isn't Just About Being Hit

I’ve just read something in the news this morning, that has made my gut churn. I knew it would happen, but it’s still making me feel physically ill...

Your Name Is Your Identity

I never put much thought into the weight or meaning of a name, except for maybe when I was choosing a name for each of my children shortly after their birth...

It Wasn't Love

It’s said that it’s impossible to remain angry at someone you truly love and that anger lasting more than 3 days is a fair indicator that you’re either...

The Adventure That Is Life

I love adventures. I love being able to just choose a direction to start heading in and just going. I love the excitement of not knowing what will be found along the way...

Working Remotely & Questioning Priorities

I’ve really grown accustomed to working from home and I don’t think I’m the only one. It’s not that I don’t like going into the office and being around people...

No More Asking Why

I’m a problem solver. It’s what I do every day and I’m really good at finding the real issues and then coming up with ways to solve (or resolve) them.

I Can Feel It

Imagine, just for a moment, what it would be like to actually feel someone else’s emotions. Not just the good ones, but the not-so-nice ones too.

An Exhausted Mind

My mind has been so busy lately that I don’t even know how to start this post or what topic to stick to, so I’m just going to let it all flow out.


We all have things that trigger us, usually negatively, and I thought that I had dealt with all of mine. I thought that I knew all of them...

Transitioning Back Into Society

As lockdown conditions start to ease, we, as a society and as individuals, face another problem: Transitioning back into society.

Standing Tall & True

I once had someone tell me that most people can’t handle them. That it takes a particular type of person to match their intensity and passion...

Nurturing Relationships Today For Tomorrow

So… I have a teenage daughter. (She’s my eldest.) We have a great relationship… rare, I know. We talk about everything… well, everything within reason.

Loving All Of Me

I could never ask or expect anyone (outside of my flesh and blood family) to love me, without me first loving myself. And I’m not talking on the superficial level.

Feeling The (Positive) Change

It’s still early on Sunday morning as I write this, but I’ve already been up for hours. As someone who is sensitive to energy and especially changes in energy...

It's Okay To Ask For Help

As uncertainty about tomorrow continues, I’m here to remind you to reach out if you feel or find yourself not coping. To stop and take a break if it’s all too much.

A State Of Change

There’s no doubt that we’re in a state of change and it’s something that’s happening on a global level. We’re in stage two lockdown here now...

Worrying Never Changed A Thing

They say that you can tell a lot about a person in times of heightened stress, and how they react to it and handle it in general.

Lesson Learnt - Be True To You

Something happened the other day that made me wonder why I bothered. Why I didn’t recognise the situation for what it was and why I didn’t just act accordingly?

New Dad Request

So here’s something that I knew would come up sooner or later, and I guess it came up sooner than expected...

Time For Reflection

I’ve been in hermit mode since the start of this year. Well, not in complete hermit mode. I’ve been working, but I’ve spent my non-working hours in my own head, for me.

Sometimes We Need To Trust & Let Go

Sometimes we need to trust and let go. Sometimes we need to just believe in ourselves, our abilities and the universe. Divine timing and all that…

New Year Resolutions or New Resolutions Every Day?

I’ve been in my head a lot lately, hence the lack in posts. I’ve been doing the regular annual reflection on what’s happened throughout this past year...

It's Your Choice To Be Beautiful

They say that beauty is only skin deep. But I’m going to challenge that. I say beauty, real beauty, is much deeper. Real beauty resides in your soul – your very being.

My Own Form Of Therapy

I just finished cleaning through my kitchen spices drawer. I replaced every single jar with new ones, hand wrote out the labels, stuck them on and arranged them in the drawer.

Everything Stems From Love

When I first heard the phrase “everything stems from love”, my immediate response was: Are you nuts? How could something terrible, stem from love?

You Have The Answers Within

If I only followed the advice of others, I’m sure I’d be sitting in a psych ward with a straitjacket on, or at least rocking back and forth in a small padded room.

Your Normal Isn't My Normal & That's Okay

I’m a Christmas person. I love everything there is about Christmas. I love the decorations. I love the festivities.

Fixing Myself & Setting Boundaries

Somewhere over the years of my marriage, throughout my life, I lost myself. I lost who I really was. I lost my purpose in life. I lost my zest, my dreams, my spirit.

Closing A Chapter

A big chapter to one part of my life will come to a close today. It’s been a long time coming and I’m not just talking about the period of time that has passed...
