Sometimes We Need To Trust & Let Go

January 2020

Sometimes we need to trust and let go. Sometimes we need to just believe in ourselves, our abilities and the universe. Divine timing and all that… Letting go of control and fear and just trust that everything will work out, especially if you’ve done everything that you can possibly do and there is just no more to do, apart from sitting back and waiting.

This can be a hard lesson to learn – more so if you’re a bit of a control freak like me. I don’t like sitting back and letting things happen. I often feel like I NEED to be in the drivers seat, steering myself and my life in the direction that I want it to go. But sometimes, the road doesn’t take you down there. Sometimes you’re shown a detour that takes you down a whole different road and through events that you had no plans of going through or past.

Often we have so many things going on our lives that we feel that we have to keep pushing buttons and directing the course, or else an activity or outcome, will go astray. But sometimes the best course of action is to step back and do nothing. Do nothing but rest, wait and trust.

Trust that you won’t miss out by sitting still for a while… Trust that you’ll hear what you need to hear… Trust that you’ll see what you need to see… Trust that you’ll experience what needs to be experienced… Trust that the right lessons to be learnt or the karma that needs to be served, will be served… Trust that you’ve done everything that you could have possibly done in or with a situation… Trust that stepping away, after taking all the actions that you could, is the best thing that you can do and that doing any more will block or hinder the results… Trust that you’ll be moved to take any further action that you need to take (if any)… Trust that there are things going on in the background that you don’t need to know about, be it the bigger scheme of things or the bigger purpose or plan… Trust that the universe has your back and that everything will work out in the end.

Now I must say that this would have to be the most vague post I’ve written to date, but I feel that I need to write and post it, for someone to read. If you’re reading this now, know that this is the message that you needed to hear. I don’t know why. I’m just the delivery mechanism. I just know that you need to trust that everything will work out. You’ve done your best for the situation that is at the top of your mind, and that worrying about it, isn’t going to change the outcome. The universe has heard you and the outcome is in the works… think of it as being brewed and there’s a bit more time required before it’s ready.

So for now, sit back and relax – as much as you can anyway. Go out and ground yourself in nature if you can’t sit still. Take a walk and immerse yourself amongst the stillness of trees or the calmness of water, whether that be a lake, waterfall or beach. Be still for a while. Bathe yourself in the sunshine and listen to the birds. Quiet your mind. Let it all go and trust that it will be okay, because it will.

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My Blogs
Allow things to run their courseTrust and let goTrust in divine timingPositive changes are happeningEverything will fall into placeThe universe has your back